Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year, New Fear

U.S. News blogger, Nancy Shute in her post "How to Stop Teens From Drinking and Driving" says, "Yanking teenagers' driver's licenses if they're caught using a fake ID to buy alcohol may be one of the most useful new tools in reducing the risk of drinking and driving, according to a study of state laws aimed at discouraging teenage drinking. But some of the more high-profile efforts, including penalties for adults who host underage parties and, for teens, graduated driver's licenses that prohibit night driving, didn't appear to do any good."

Wow! Is she suggesting that parents aren't being responsible? You bet she is! And the statistics are there to prove it. Just check with your local authorities and youth coalition and you might find that the numbers are staggering...and so are our children!

Underage drinking and driving has been a concern since the Model T came off the assembly line. But let's look at the more potent combination when you add an ounce of "young love" to the mix and then throw them in the "finished basement" assuming they are safe from drunk driving. Let's not kid ourselves. What they have now is a "safe" place not only to drink freely but to cross the physical boundary lines that were washed away with the first swig. Maybe we kept them from wrapping themselves around a tree, but not around their "friend" from math class.

Let's do the right thing this year and replace drinking and sex with something that is fun, healthy and void of an accident. Here is one alternative...

Organize a group of families to go midnight bowling. You can divide the lanes up by age and separate yourselves to give the teens their space. No alcohol and I bet they aren't daring enough to have sex either. Remember, you don't have to tailgate!

Lisa j

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