Monday, August 25, 2008

WDET Public Radio

Hey gang! Just FYI...Tune into "Detroit Today" on WDET with Craig Fahle on Monday morning September 15, 2008 around 11:00am to hear more about the book, Dater's Ed and the upcoming workshops.

"See" you then!

Lisa Jander

Friday, August 15, 2008

Baby Basket

L.H. from Clarkston, Michigan writes...

"This book should go home from the hospital with every new baby."

Well, you do have a point if you want to get a jump start on student relationships. You never really know when your student might end up "twitterpated."

It does make good sense to get educated ahead of time. After all, we read baby books long before we have to change that first diaper.

Thanks for the tip L.H.!

Start your engines,
Lisa Jander

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Last night

For all of you who came to the book signing last night...I am eternally grateful and humbled by the response.

There is nothing more satisfying than sharing your passion and purpose with those you care most about.

From my heart...thank you.

mama j