Friday, December 19, 2008

Bumpy ride

My car has been really giving me grief lately. Granted, it has 144,567 miles on it but I'm sure I have more miles than that and I run just fine!

It's the bumps. The ride just isn't smooth like I expect. Yes, I've changed the shocks, struts, greased up the bearings, checked the axles and even tightened the spare tire below.

Is this how you see you teen and the person they chose to date? Maybe her voice is irritating, maybe the way he chews gets on your nerves. You've tried every angle and nothing has worked from talking in a whisper and hoping it catches on to mentioning the elegant Christmas dinner at Grandma's and how important it is to have good manners.

Nice try. That would be like me suggesting to my car the importance of a smooth ride.

Pointing out the little irritating bumps in your teen's relationship will not make them go away. My car may one day drive me crazy enough to get rid of it, but in the mean time, I'm glad to have dependable wheels (for the most part.)

So what is the lesson in all this? If your teen is dating someone that drives you nuts, limit the amount of time you spend together to shorter stretches and it will be a bit more bearable. The half mile dirt road I live on is far more tolerable than taking my van on the family vacation to the Grand Canyon.

Lisa J

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