Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Teen Bailout

Today, the Boston Globe had an article about the auto bailout and how desperate the situation has gotten. The article says, "A Senate auto bailout bill unveiled yesterday noted that 355,000 US workers are directly employed by the auto industry, and an additional 4.5 million work in related industries."

Immediately, my mind turned to a host of other "bailouts" we need in this country, in fact in the world: rampant teen pregnancy, underage drinking, high school drop outs... How many teens are in need today? How many are directly affected by the relationship choices they've made and are in desperate need of relief?

While I cannot begin to speculate on how the auto crisis will be resolved, I do know that we can begin today to make a difference in the lives of our children by modeling better choices. If every adult in this country made a commitment to buy a new American made car today - what would the impact be? If every adult in this country chose to mentor a teen in their town today - what would the impact be?

We can contribute everyday to the "teen relief fund."

Road to recovery,

Mama j

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