Monday, June 29, 2009

Blinker Stinker

So I’m heading to the grocery store four short miles away and I end up behind what I call a “Blinker Stinker,” a person that does not believe in using their turn signal.

Blinker Stinkers have a communication issue; their bad road manners are probably second only to their unwillingness to share useful information. Using a turn signal is not as much for your benefit as for the benefit of those following you. Isn’t it nice to let someone else in on the secret of where you are headed? If you want to change direction, fine, that’s your prerogative. When you are in your car, you have the choice to let the rest of the drivers know where you are going by the simple flip of a switch.

In teen dating, the switch is right next to the lip. Teens don’t always communicate. Will she tell him she made other plans for Saturday night? Did he tell her he is taking his best friend to the concert instead of her? Courtesy means giving someone plenty of notice, the sooner the better! Some teens simply slam on the brakes and head west with no warning – that’s rude, disrespectful and can be very painful.

Blinker Stinkers are typically either self-centered or clueless, neither of which would look good on a dating resume. Is your teen a Blinker Stinker?

Lisa j

Monday, June 22, 2009

Possession Obsession

Bucket of suds and an over-sized sponge – what a way to spend Father’s Day – washing and waxing your most prized possession. Have you ever been curious about people who obsess over their cars? What drives them to spit-polish the mirror every time they go for a spin. Or spend 2 hours with an Oral B toothbrush cleaning the rims.

Makes you wonder how they would be on a date with your teen. What if your child had a piece of spring leaf lettuce stuck in his teeth at lunch? Or the sweater she was wearing was hanging slightly crooked? I can just envision an uninvited adjustment to make all things perfect…at least visually.

When a person is fixated on the condition of something, is it possible to ever relax enough to simply enjoy the “something?”

Maybe before our teens venture into a relationship with another individual, it would be a good idea for them to pull up a chair in the driveway and watch this potential date wash their car before your chils ends up as the object of "possession obsession."

Lisa j

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Teens Under Insured

Have you looked at the bill for your teen’s car insurance lately? Every month, I like to rip the bill open with thrilling expectation in the hopes that my insurance company is going to throw in cruise tickets with the premium. Nope.

Is there any doubt why teen insurance is two and a half times that of their parents? Reckless abandon with a splash of false immortality – that’s how they drive.

So here’s a question for you, how many opportunities does your teen have in a week to crack the windshield, hit a mailbox or worse, get in a car accident? Plenty, right? Then how much more likely is it that they have a “relationship accident?” Think about the opportunity teens have every day to make a “wrong turn” when it comes to the opposite sex. What would you be willing to pay for “dating insurance” to give you the peace of mind that your little darling is not going to be in a relationship wreck this month?

Hey, maybe I’m onto something! A new business idea; I can sell “dating insurance” to cover all the hazards of teen dating. The coverage could include everything from failing grades to excessive cell phone bills. It would be comprehensive coverage that insured migraines, dating under the influence, pregnancy, harassment and even time off from school for “repair and restoration.”

The best part? I would throw in a “loaner date” when the one your teen invested in breaks down and isn’t going anywhere.

Lisa j