Dead battery? Fuel pump? Distributor cap? Why the heck won’t my car start?!
Standing next to my car, dead in the back of a dark parking lot, I was examining my options. Push it. Tow it. Leave it.
There comes a point when your teen will have to decide how much more they will invest. Do the pros outweigh the cons? Has your student really examined whether or not she would be better off starting fresh? Have he taken a close look at the value of what he is investing in?
The facts don’t lie but it isn’t always that simple. A good car should give you many miles of a smooth ride. A good relationship should do the same. Sure, there will be repairs needed along the way but for the most part, the headaches (and heartaches) should be few and far between; the recovery time short and sweet.
Each teen has a limit – a point at which they know that it is time to move on. Sometimes looking back, teens find that they put themselves through far more agony than they needed to before cutting their losses.
Maybe it makes sense for your teen to decide BEFORE the next breakdown how much more she will endure instead of deciding in the midst of a crisis. Use her head. Write it down. Sign the commitment to follow through while she is calm and composed, not when she is faced with making an immediate emotional decision.
When is enough, enough? Help your student set the limit and decide today.
Lisa j