Yesterday it snowed almost six inches in six hours. Cars in ditches everywhere. Freeway frenzy.
The funny part about blizzards is that it seems to bring out the best and the worst in people. On one hand, you have stressed out loved ones urging, pleading, even screaming about the impending doom. On the other hand, you have friends and neighbors leaving the cocoa on the counter to traverse the tundra just to push you out of a ditch.
There will be times in your teen's dating relationship when everything goes white and they end up in a really tough spot completely helpless and dependent on others. So who will they call for help? Who do they have on speed dial that will give them relief not grief? Their parents who will hiss, “We told you not to go out!” Their brother or sister who wants to know “what’s in it for me?”
Here ‘s what I’ve learned. When a teenager's wheels are spinning and they are stuck all alone, they may not remember what got them there in the first place. Was this something your student could have avoided if they had listened to the crowd of people that know them the best? Were you right in your prediction that this kind of thing was bound to happen?
Sure, this can happen to anyone without warning but most of the people I meet in the ditch had plenty of warning from those who could see the storm brewing. They just chose not to listen.
Your teen may choose to call their friends to push them out of the mess they’re in just to avoid the wisdom you might bring along. The question is, next time, will they turn up the volume and listen to the warnings they ignored the last time? Maybe they need snow shoes for Christmas.
Lisa j