A group of engineers in South Korea made NPR News this month when they revealed a replacement for the rearview mirrors on the side of their new model. They replaced the mirrors with little cameras...that are always on.
How many times have I looked over my shoulder in my life and hoped I wouldn't see that bad relationship behind me in the mirror - now a camera is going to get that on tape?! The beauty of a rearview mirror is that you know the further and faster you go, the smaller and less significant the things you left behind become.
These little cameras remind me of Facebook and Myspace and how the relationship "oops" factor is constantly being recorded and replayed endlessly. You can't outrun it, you can't turn a corner and get out of the line of sight. It has been recorded, permantently. All the pathetic attempts to get her to like you. All the pitiful begging to keep him from telling your secret. Nope. It's on tape and everyone in town has a copy.
The rearview "camera" might be a giant step forward for the automakers but for teen dating, it means a treadmill that will not get smaller in the rearview mirror and never lets you put anything behind you.
Lisa J